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Episode Studies by Clayton Barr


"The Akkadian Prophecy" Part 2
The Scorpion King #2 (Dark Horse)
Writer: Scott Allie
Penciler: Cliff Richards
Inker: Will Conrad

Having retrieved the prophetic Book of Tehuti, the Akkadians led by King Telent march against King Memnon in Gomorrah.


Read a synopsis of The Akkadian Prophecy at The Mummy Chronology


Didja Know?


The figure on page 4 who observes Memnon's training duel with Rah-Nok appears to be Thorak, who will appear more prominently in The Scorpion King.


On page 6, King Telent ponders on whether Memnon will attack Ur or Akkadia or his own tribe. Ur was a major city-state of the ancient Sumerian civilization of the Middle East.


Also on page 6, King Telent speaks to Queen Isis, with whom he discusses a partnership with King Pheron and Balthazar. Both Pheron and Balthazar will appear in The Scorpion King. The reference to Pheron's son being against such an alliance will also bear fruit in that film. 


I don't know if it's intentional, but the soldier in the panel 1 spread on pages 8-9 looks a bit like actor Kirk Douglas portraying Spartacus in the 1960 film of the same name.  
  Soldier   Kirk Douglas as Spartacus


Unanswered Questions


What happened to the Book of Tehuti? While riding with his forces into a battle on page 11, King Telent seems to have misplaced it and asks his men, "Where's the book? Oh, by the gods...did one of you grab the book?" Was it left behind at their camp?


Is the Book of Tehuti the same book that becomes known as the Book of Dead, as speculated in the study of "The Akkadian Prophecy" Part 1? 


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